Saturday, December 17, 2011

I hope I'm not getting my hopes up...

Well guys....

I am so freakin' excited.

I went to my doctors appointment Thursday morning. I was so anxious and I didn't know what to expect.  Last appointment my follicle was 14mm and my estrogen was at 84.  And in order to really be excited we needed a 20mm+ follicle and 100+ estrogen.

16mm AND 203 estrogen BABY!


Carol, the tech who has been with me, was litterally cheering me on while on the phone and she was so excited for me. I can't even believe it! I had to go back on Saturday to keep checking and keep hoping that everything is going up.

So, now we're waiting for everything to just fall into place pretty much.

I went back this morning for my appointment and the most amazing thing is happening.

I am at 330 estrogen and 23mm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyday now I will ovulate.

Anyday now I could become pregnant.

I am so excited, hopefully not overly excited.

My biggest worry is that we're going to miscarry again. I really don't think I have it in me to face it again. Especially after all this that we've gone through.  But maybe this could definately be our time because damn it, I'm ready!!

Which brings me to my next point..

It's really starting to get under my skin all the folks that are saying "but you're so young, why are you trying to have children?" or "I would kill my 21 year old if they were going through infertility treatments" and "Do you think you're ready to have children at such a young age?" and "Can you afford a child?"

Let me tell you what....

I am having children at such a young age..
#1-I'm don't want to be 60 years old going to my childs highschol graduation
#2-I am healthy now, why wait 10 years and risk the possibility of missing out because of health concerns.
#3-Obviously your child and myself are at 2 levels of maturity. Please don't compare me to the typical 21 year old.
4#-Is anyone ever really ready to have a child? Financially or emotionally? I accept the responsibility and I think that's really all you need to do.  If I wait until I can "financially" ready, I will NEVER have kids.

There are a million and 1 reasons to put off having kids.
But there are a million and 2 reasons why I can't wait to see what Joe and I's baby is going to look like.

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