Wednesday, November 2, 2011

21 and broken...

Well, today was a big day... I had the potential to find out:
1.) Can I have babies?
2.) Do I need back surgery?

Let's start with the first...
I had to go get some labwork done on monday to check all my hormones and all that fun stuff.   The "Day 3" labwork is what they call it.  They told me to call back in a couple days and they will have the results!
"Okay, doctor!"
I was going to wait 3 days just to be on a safe side, but I couldn't wait! I needed to call... I get on the phone with the nurse who has been handling my case and she looked up my labwork and asked how I was feeling. Well, I'm feeling fine, I mean a little hungry because I haven't had breakfast yet but, I'm fine, why?
So, now I'm scared... what is wrong that she would have to ask me how I'm feeling?! Nobody cares this much??!!
Turns out everything is normal. My thyroid count is a little low (hence the "how are you feeling") but all my hormones are within normal range...
You've got to be kidding me... 2 miscarriages and a year with no baby and you're telling me I'm fine?! Come on now!
Who can I punch?
So, the doctor will be calling me tomorrow with a plan...

So, my post "bad healthcare" explains a lot of why I need surgery. The car accident. Well, today I finally saw that busy doctor that I was waiting to see for a second opinion on having surgery on my back or not.  He recommends I get the cortizone injections in my back. Okay, but nothing is a permanent fix. The injections could potentially wear off anywhere from 1 week to 5 years (yeah, that's a nice time frame) and the surgery could either work wonders or not at all.
Am I back at square 1? Because I really cannot live with this pain anymore.

So, I'm thinking what I'm going to do is try the injections first.  My thought is I can try injections and pray that they work, you can't exactly "try" a surgery, it's a little too permanent.

So, I am going to schedule an appointment and we'll go from there!

Oh, and in case you were wondering, I did ask the question, "Will having a baby put my back in danger?" and "Should I wait to fix my back and put off having children?"
He pretty much said that pain in my back may become more severe carrying the weight of a baby, but it won't worsen my back in the long run and that i'll go back to the way I am now as soon as I have one.
YAY, I guess there is good news out of all this.

Time to make some babies!!

So, it's been one hell of a day...I've got a broken body and I'm only 21 years old. But, I guess I accomplished some things, but I still feel like I'm at a stand still.

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