When life hands you lemons, you don't appreciate them as much as the ones you have to hand-pick off the tree you grew from a sprout...
Today was an unbelievable day.
First thing this morning we had an appointment with an infertility doctor. I was a extremely nervous because I never thought it would have gotten to this point. But on the other hand I was so anxious all week. I couldn't wait to finally see what the hell was wrong because damnit, I want babies!!!
So, we get to the office, and right away it gives off a warm feeling. I'm happy. We speak with a nurse and get all the basics down, and she was so helpful, and here he comes... The doctor who is gonna fix us! He walks in and immediately gets started. Asking all types of questions and drawing an awesome diagram. And somehow he already knew what was wrong with me and what we need to do to fix it! Apparently, I have very healthy eggs but I don't ovulate. He said it could be a simple fix, do a shit ton of testing and get me on some medication and we should have babies!!!!
Now, anyone who has gone through infertility knows how pricey these tests are. But in my book, it is worth every penny!!
So, today I had a set of bloodwork done, just 1 little tube, and I never bruise when I get bloodwork but this lady messed up my arm big time, it's all black and blue! I had an ultrasound to check my ovaries, and she said it looks like I have PCOS, so it is something to look out for, but not a huge deal yet. Tomorrow morning I go for a second set of labwork, and she said they are going to take roughly 30 tubes of blood....
30 tubes of blood?!?
Yeah, I think Joe will be driving me home after this one...
So, that is where we are at now.
After thinking long and hard about whether to have surgery on my back or not, I'm going to try the injections for sure first. So, tuesday morning I get 2 injections into my back and lets hope it works out!
I've taken a lot of things in my life for granted. This journey we're taking is really changing my outlook on life and really making me take a step back and really appreciate the things that I do have. I can't say that for a lot of people but... *shrugs*
Keep your fingers crossed!! :-)
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