So it's been the first week of finding out what is wrong and why we can't have children.
It's only been a few days and it's already wearing me out! It's so personal and yet so impersonal at the same time...
So, it all started this past Monday with our first doctors visit, and I wrote about it in my last blog so I won't backtrack.
Tuesday morning I went to go get the big bloodwork. yeah, that 30 some tubes I was talking about?
Well, it was only 25, I counted lol. They started in my right arm because I've been getting all my bloodwork out of the left, so it was all bruised. She puts the needle in and plugs in tube number 1..2...3....7....10....14, and it starts to slow down... and she goes "well, at least we know you have really good platelets!" I clotted the tube so I couldn't get any more blood out! So she switches arms and I'm dreading it because I know it's gonna hurt from all the bruising. It did! So heres tube 15.....18...22...24... and barely squeeked out tube 25, but we got there! They took about half the amount I would give if I were donating blood, so I felt pretty okay afterwards, but my arms were all bruised and poked at. Well, at least that one was finished!
Wednesday morning I go back to have a hysteroscopy, and my first question is, "Is this like a hysterectomy?!?" I get a chuckle, but no it's not. So, I'm sitting in this pretty comfy chair, waiting for the doctor, and he comes in and pushes a button and the chair turned into a table while I'm on it, my legs are flying in the air, what the hell did I just get myself into! Now, I won't get graphic, but basically they just go in and look around to make sure everything is fine. You can google it for the details! I left that appointment feeling very violated, but relieved that everything came back fine.
Well, this morning, I go back to get, yup, more blood work!
Bloodwork, ultrasounds, poking and prodding, and we're only 4 days in...
We have 1 test coming up...which is the most embarrassing test I think ever known to man. It's the "post-coital" test. Yup! We need to do it, and go straight to the doctor...
Come on now...really? That happens probably next week and I'm totally dreading it...Not the doing it part, the going straight to the doctor part haha!
So, that's how all this fertility crap is going on but, it'll all be worth it in the end right?
My arms have knicks and bruises all over, and I look like a junkie. Joe said I should wear long sleeves for a while...
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