Monday, November 28, 2011

Who has it worse?

So I invited a friend over for dinner. I prepared a delicious chicken dinner with roasted galic and tomatoes. Yum! She walks in and goes "Ew! What's that smell?!"


Turns out she hates the taste of garlic. Well, that's just great! Because I just smeared garlic all over this piece of chicken because I love it!

I ended up making spaghetti!

Joe loves Stephen King books. And I don't read at all. I told him to pick out a book for me to read, but it's gotta be a small one, not these 600 pg. books. So he gave me "Carrie" and I got about 4 pages in and was bored out of my mind!

As most of you may know I'm a massage therapist. I get those client where I can dig my elbow into them and I'm basically sitting on top of them trying to work these luscious knots out. And they take it like a champ! Or, I get clients like my lovely husband, and he basically just wants me to rub lotion into his skin because his body just can't handle that type of pressure.  Which is totally fine, I have no problem with either type.  But everybody has a different pain tolerance and react to pain differently.

I guess this leads me to my next point.

Everyone has different tastes in foods and books, and everyones pain tolerance is different. Everyone has different opinions on every subject.

So, how do you determine who has it worse in life?

As you look at the 10 year old girl with Leukemia, send prayers her way, and send her gift baskets of sorrow and everything else under the sun. But, what you don't know is that she is so content with her condition and is a fighter and ready to take this disease on full force. So does she have a "sucky" life? Does she have it worse?  Not in her eyes, because now she gets the chance to show the world how strong of a little girl she is and without this disease, she would have just been an average girl!

The 80 year old man who can't walk due to the arthritis in the knees and hips. He is in a nursing home and has people constantly looking over his shoulder.  As you go visit your grandfather nearly everyday, you pray he gets better and is able to go out in the world, and you show him grief and sadness. But he doesn't look at it that way.  He feels he is lucky to be alive. His wife passed away 16 years ago and never got to see her grandchildren grow up.  He gets to sit in his chair and plays chess with his best friend all day. He's just happy to be able to see his family grow old with him,and have them around. He's happy he can afford a nursing home rather than being somewhere on the street. So does he have it worse?

Some people have the amazing ability to see the good in situations.

Everybody has a different opinion on everything.  Probably 90% of the people reading this blog probably feel I'm the most annoying, whiney, judgemental bitch ever. And that's fine, because I'm writing this as a release, not as a dagger to any person and these are MY opinions.

I see others sharing their stories of different things like how bad their day was and I'll hear "man, they're just so annoying! Why won't they keep it to themselves" I feel they know their story will help maybe 1 person one day. 

So, how do you determine who has it worse?  How do you determine that someone is annoying?  How do you determine that someone is in the wrong?

You don't determine anything.

To determine is to settle or decide.  And nobody has that kind of power.

You express your feelings and leave it at that. Don't force your opinions on anybody because what's suckish in your eyes is gold in another.

I wish everyone blogged to express their feelings...
Because I tell you what, I feel like weight was lifted off my shoulders!

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